Your project. Our design. Elegance united.

Discover the perfect synergy between traditional Bauhaus heritage and modern design. Tailored solutions for your project, with exclusive offers for business partners. Experience the Bauhaus Movement.

Visions that inspire

Aesthetics in every detail

Our collection combines functionality with artistic expression. Discover pieces that not only fill spaces but tell stories.

Immerse yourself in the world of Bauhaus – where every detail matters and your projects are elevated to the next level.

Design the future with Bauhaus

Shape the future of design with us. Through exceptional Made-in-Germany craftsmanship and global design expertise, we turn your visions into successful projects. Together, we create solutions that inspire your clients and exceed your goals.

비즈니스 파트너로서의 혜택

사업장을 꾸미는 데 어려움을 겪고 있거나 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 모르시나요? 모든 요구사항을 충족하는 기능 및 디자인 솔루션을 찾고 계신가요? 아니면 완벽한 공간 컨셉을 구상할 시간이 없고 단일 소스의 제품과 서비스가 필요하신가요?

걱정하지 마세요! 저희는 가구를 사랑하며 여러분의 꿈을 실현할 수 있도록 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다. 원하신다면 자신의 사무실에서 편안하게 상담하세요.

바우하우스 비즈니스 팀이 도와드리겠습니다.

계획 및 실현

시각화 및 3D 계획 생성. 360° VR 파노라마 디스플레이 및 3D 애니메이션.

독점 도매업체 가격

질문이나 문제가 있으신가요? 전화로 문의하세요! 유능한 지원팀이 기꺼이 귀하의 요청을 처리해 드리니 편안히 앉아 휴식을 취하세요.

시너지 효과 활용

당사는 함께 동등한 파트너십을 구축하여 귀사와 고객이 서로 윈윈할 수 있는 환경을 조성합니다.

Exclusive Design

Timeless Bauhaus design, masterful craftsmanship, and creative innovation for sophisticated projects and clients.
Form and function united

Design that inspires

We believe that the Bauhaus philosophy offers a unique combination of timeless aesthetics, practical functionality and innovative thinking. Our designs aim to shape spaces, create unique atmospheres and set new standards in modern design.

Shaping the Future

With designs that transcend trends, we create timeless solutions that shape visionary projects and redefine spaces.

A statement in clarity

A new perspective

The Nesting Tables by Josef Albers are a symbol of the Bauhaus philosophy: clear lines, functional aesthetics and the highest level of craftsmanship. They embody the idea that design can be both practical and inspiring. As timeless icons, they fit seamlessly into any environment and create an atmosphere that is as modern as it is meaningful.

Creating values together

Opening up new horizons

As a Bauhaus Business Partner, you are at the center of our vision. Together, we develop solutions that combine functionality and aesthetics and turn your projects into something extraordinary. Our collaboration is based on trust, innovation and a common goal: to rethink design and create lasting value.
More Highlights

Rethinking timeless spaces

Discover interiors that uniquely combine elegance and functionality. Every detail tells a story of innovation and harmony, created to inspire and transform spaces.

From Collaboration to Innovation: Partnership

The Bauhaus Movement connects people, ideas and visions around the world. Through creative collaborations and innovative designs, we create a vibrant community that harmoniously blends tradition with the future and inspires new creativity.


재미와 기능성이 완벽하게 결합된, 아이 친화적이고 시대를 초월한 디자인으로 모험을 즐기세요.

미술 갤러리

영감과 창의력이 넘치는 세계에 몰입하세요. 우리 독특한 미술 작품 컬렉션을 발견해 보세요.

B2B 비즈니스

디자인과 정밀함을 세련되게 결합한 시계 컬렉션을 집에서 만나보세요.

B2B 파트너십

저희 신중히 선별된 컬렉션은 모든 생활 공간에 영감과 교육, 발전의 원천이 됩니다.

Start your Bauhaus project

Take the first step towards timeless designs and extraordinary projects. Our team is looking forward to your visions and is ready to realise them together with you. Contact us today and experience design at the highest level.