Michael Kimmerle

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Michael Kimmerle gives an introduction to the world of the Bauhaus, just by playing with the basic forms, in order to approach step by step to the Bauhaus-Masters and their icons in an illustrative and ironic way.

Michael Kimmerle was born on December 2, 1956 and studied Graphic Design at the SHfBK Braun- schweig and the Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart. After his work as an Art Director in Duesseldorf he became an assistant to his former professor Manfred Kroeplien at the Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart in 1986 where he founded the department of public relations. During this time he designed the »self-presentation« and various art catalogues. In 1989 he opened his own studio in partnership with the office community Ostend106 in Stuttgart together with different designers and architects. He continues working as a designer, painter and photo designer in his own office named ART Direction + Design since 2000. He is a member of the German Werkbund since 2017.

Michael Kimmerle

Hommage au Bauhaus - Typo-Essay Book 1

The typographer Michael Kimmerle traces with these abstract forms the stroke »Bauhaus«. He thus follows the interaction of Arts and Crafts – one of the basic...
In Stock
15,00 €
Michael Kimmerle

Imaginary and Real Bauhaus Icons Book 2

The typographer Michael Kimmerle traces with these abstract forms the stroke »Bauhaus«. He thus follows the interaction of Arts and Crafts – one of the basic...
In Stock
15,00 €
- 25 %
εικόνα του I love Bauhaus + Books + Shirt
Michael Kimmerle

I love Bauhaus + Books + Shirt

Michael Kimmerle gives an introduction to the world of the Bauhaus by playing with its basic forms in order to get, step by step, close to the Masters of the...
59,00 € MSRP: 79,00 €
Michael Kimmerle

Καρτ Ποστάλ Bauhaus

Ο τυπογράφος Michael Kimmerle εντοπίζει με αυτές τις αφηρημένες μορφές το εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο "Bauhaus". Ακολουθεί έτσι την αλληλεπίδραση των τεχνών και της...
In Stock
15,00 €
Michael Kimmerle

Κτίριο Bauhaus

Ο Michael Kimmerle κάνει μια εισαγωγή στον κόσμο του Bauhaus.
7-10 Ημέρες
απο 125,00 €
Michael Kimmerle

Bauhaus Cradle

Ο Michael Kimmerle κάνει μια εισαγωγή στον κόσμο του Bauhaus.
7-10 Ημέρες
απο 125,00 €
Bauhaus Movement

Minimal Art

Η βασική ιδέα της μινιμαλιστικής τέχνης και του μινιμαλιστικού σχεδιασμού είναι ότι η μορφή ακολουθεί τη λειτουργία.
7-10 Ημέρες
49,00 €
Bauhaus Movement

Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian, ένας από τους ιδρυτές του ολλανδικού μοντέρνου κινήματος De Stijl.
In Stock - Limited
49,00 €

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