Everything starts from a knot.
Rug Your Life has specialized in truthfully weaving masterpiece works by world-class artists as handknotted and handtufted custom rugs. These are now available as a Bauhaus Movement collection, which include the possibility of weaving the artwork of your free choice as your very own rug.
Kandinsky always had a strong interest in color symbolism and how it affects the human mind and spirit, as well as in folk art, both of which he carried throughout his career. His style developed in the early 1900 to include the influence of the Expressionist movement had on him, as he travelled through northern Africa and Europe.
He increasingly separated his works from the objective world and moved towards a more abstracted direction, which found strong opposition in the more conservative art sector. As an answer to this rejection, in 1911 Kandinsky and Franz Marc co-founded "Der Blaue Reiter" (The Blue Rider) together with other Expressionist artists who also believed in experiencing the art spiritually through colour and sound. This group inspired the German Expressionist style to great measure.
In 1921, Kandinsky became a teacher at the Weimar Bauhaus, invited by Walter Gropius and moved to Berlin with his wife, Nina. During his time at the Bauhaus school, geometric elements such as circles, half-circles, straight lines and triangles became the focus of his artistic philosophy, as he moved towards his constructively organized compositions.
Kandinsky's work represented a very important influence in later modern movements, such as Abstract Expressionism and for much of the expressive modern art in the 20th century.