La combinaison de technologies de production de pointe et de savoir-faire traditionnel fait de Thonet l'une des entreprises de meubles les plus réussies.
Plongez dans le monde du design intemporel et de la précision avec le chronographe Junkers Bauhaus. Ce chronographe est plus qu'une simple montre - c'est un chef-d'œuvre qui capture l'essence du style Bauhaus. C'est la combinaison parfaite de la tradition et de la modernité, de la fonctionnalité et de l'esthétique.
Les lignes épurées et la disposition géométrique des chiffres lui confèrent une élégance intemporelle. La montre est dotée d'une fonction stop qui vous permet de mesurer le temps avec précision. Explorez le monde de Junkers et du Bauhaus et découvrez la beauté intemporelle de cette montre.
Whoever wears a Junkers Bauhaus watch embodies values and virtues such as focus, modesty, elegance and perfection. Marcel Breuer - a Bauhaus legend - put it in a nutshell: "The good artist works together with the good technician". The result of this symbiosis of technology and art are products that celebrate crystal-clear focus and reduction to the essential. Each watch in the Junkers Bauhaus series was designed on the basis of this philosophy of unadorned elegance and the combination of functionality with artistic aesthetics.
Hugo Junkers was a supporter and promoter of the Bauhaus from the beginning. The Junkers Bauhaus series commemorates the collaboration of the Bauhaus Dessau with the Junkers factories. Hugo Junkers made rooms available to the ambitious artists' movement to realize their ideas and also let the Bauhaus philosophy flow into his own projects. The first model samples of the famous Bauhaus tubular steel chair by Marcel Breuer were thus created in the Junkers factories. The results of this fruitful cooperation - until it was crushed by the Nazis in 1933 - continue to live on in art and architecture worldwide to this day.
Every single one of our watches is meticulously assembled by hand
in Germany. This fine work requires the highest concentration and precision to meet the Junkers quality standards. Only those watches
that meet all quality criteria are delivered to our customers.