Bauhaus Cradle

This collector‘s item is a replica of the historic cradle designed by Peter Keler in 1922 during his apprenticeship at the Bauhaus. The small cradle is congruent to the original in color, shape and proportions at a of scale 1:7.


Bauhaus Bauspiel

During her training at the legendary Bauhaus in 1923, Alma Siedhoff-Buscher designed this Bauhaus Bauspiel as part of the children’s room in the model house “Am Horn” in Weimar, Germany. 


Josef Hartwig

Bauhaus Chess

What is imperceptibly special about this chess game is its simplicity. No ornaments lend the individual pieces a haptic that radically turns away from what has so far characterized the design of Bauhaus Chess figures. 

The striving for clarity and simplification in favour of the recipient is therefore evident in the Bauhaus chess as in hardly any other object of utility art. 

classic of its genre

form follows function

Form and completion of each figure are subject to the dictum of function. The figures harmonize with the playing surface, the chessboard, since they do not form a playful contrast, but rather find their way stringently into the symmetry.

The Bauhaus chess of workshop master represents a embodies of the Bauhaus idea not only because of its appearance. It even contains a message.



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Bauhaus Bauspiel

Во время своего обучения в легендарном Баухаусе в 1923 году Альма Сидхофф-Бушер спроектировала этот Баухаус-Бушпиль как часть детской комнаты в доме "Ам Хорн...
7-10 дней

колыбель Баухауса

Геометрия и цвет. Этот коллекционный предмет является копией исторической колыбели, спроектированной Петером Келером в 1922 году во время его ученичества в Б...
7-10 дней


A cube divided into the dimensions of the golden ratio.
7-10 дней

Bauhaus Jumping Jack

Timeless form Margaretha Reichard, one of the prominent individuals of the Bauhaus era, developed the jumping jack and peg dolls while studying at the Bauhau...
7-10 Days - Limited

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