Magazine of Bauhaus Movement

Rethinking the world

"The goal of the Bauhaus is precisely not a "style", not a system, dogma or canon, not a recipe and not a fashion! It will be alive as long as it is not attached to form, but seeks the fluidity of life itself behind the changeable form!"

Arte y tecnología - Una nueva unidad

Descubra el Bauhaus

El diseño moderno se basa en la simplicidad y la funcionalidad y se puede encontrar en muchos productos que usamos a diario. 

Aprenda cómo el movimiento de la Bauhaus influyó en la historia del diseño, con su énfasis en la teoría y la práctica, tal como lo enseñaron los maestros.


Las reediciones de los modelos de la Bauhaus producidas fielmente por Tecta han sido aprobadas por el Archivo de la Bauhaus en Berlín y llevan el logotipo del instituto tal y como lo diseñó Oskar Schlemmer en la Bauhaus.

Gane la icónica lámpara de la Bauhaus

A Bauhaus Magazine? Yes and NO! Not just any magazine. One that opens up new spaces of experience. That is alive and changing. That grows: imaginatively. Creative. Surprising. Unexpected. Exciting.

What makes the Bauhaus Magazine so unique? It is alive. It changes. It grows. It's going global.

Every three months we report on new aspects of the Bauhaus scene. The magazine's readers are enthusiastic Bauhaus devotees all over the world. Who love the extraordinary. Who are interested in both the legacy of the historic Bauhaus and the possibilities of modern technology. Designers and architects, artists and researchers, critics and utopians, people behind the Bauhaus and all others who are professionally committed to the further development of Bauhaus culture. But also students and pupils or simply fans of beautiful, functional and elegant design who want to be informed and inspired.

The first Bauhaus Magazine Edition published 2023

Discover the Bauhaus

The historic Bauhaus existed for only 14 years - from 1919 to 1933. Nevertheless, it became the most important think tank of its time and has not lost its appeal to this day. On the contrary: with the claim to rethink things from the ground up - holistically and interdisciplinarily - the founders of the Bauhaus not only shaped the real space of their time, but also created an intellectual space to continually reinvent themselves. A place of ever-new search. A playground for creativity and inspiration. Innovation and vision. A forge of the future.