Tapis Bauhaus

49-60 à 108
Limited Edition

Agate Low Rug

The Agate Low rug combines sophisticated design with high-quality materials to give your room a luxurious and modern atmosphere.
7-10 jours
De $1,430.00
Christopher Farr

Variations Rug

Immerse yourself in the artistic world of Tory Terence Frost RA with this exclusive rug that captures the artist's innovative art movement in England.
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Bottle 1 Rug

Explore the design brilliance of David Weeks, born in Athens, Georgia, and a master of lighting, furniture, and household products since establishing his New...
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Small Child's Room Rug

Explore Anni Albers' impact on 20th-century textile art through a unique product that pays homage to her groundbreaking contributions.
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Permutation Brown Rug

Elevate your space with our William Scott-inspired rug—a limited edition print in textile form.
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Anni Albers dessin pour le mur de 1926

Basé sur un dessin textile d'Anni Albers des années 1920, le fabricant anglais Christopher Farr Editions a créé ce motif comme tipi en deux tailles.
7-10 jours
Bauhaus Movement

Theo van Doesburg Dancers tapis

" L'art comme langage Dans le futur, il n'y aura que de l'art. Ce langage commun portera le message de l'amour. " Theo van Doesburg
2-3 Weeks
De $1,375.00
Christopher Farr

Tapis Omega Fish

La pièce exposée des années 1913-15 incarne le génie créatif des Omega Workshops, qui soulignaient la collectivité artistique avec le symbole Omega.
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Reflections Omega Rug

Experience artistic innovation with this exclusive Omega Workshops piece, attributed to Duncan Grant or Frederick Etchells from 1913-15.
7-10 jours
Christopher Farr

Three Squares Rug

Immerse yourself in the artistic legacy of Sandra Blow with this exclusive rug, capturing her pioneering six-decade career in British abstract art.
7-10 jours

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