C. A.

Wir sind von den Tischen überwältigt

Das Material ist hochwertig und das Design zeitlos. Es lässt sich als Deko im Wohnzimmer sehr gut platzieren, aber auch als Tisch nutzen. Die aufeinander abgestimmten Farben bringen Wärme in unser Wohnzimmer. 


Order at Bauhaus Movement

After a little time, I finally received my "Christopher Farr" rug. It took some time, but I am really happy with the outcome. I even talked with someone via phone and he explained everything in much detail. 

Angelo Buonocore

Ricchezza dei prodotti

Mi piace molto la ricchezza dei prodotti in vendita, svaria dai giochi ai libri, dall'arredamento agli orologi, tutto molto bello. Forse l'unica pecca è il troppo tempo per l'acquisto, tra l'ordine ...

Lord Carlile

Delivery issue

My delivery problem has now been resolved by Bauhaus Movement rearranging the delivery so that the item will be delivered into my home in London. The problem arose from a misunderstanding ...